Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Disney, Star Wars, and future games.


Post #20
The fate of Star Wars now rests in the white gloves of Disney. Obviously they have big plans to reboot the film franchise, but what about the gaming market? For years, Lucasfilms has cranked out all kinds of Star Wars games to satisfy their never dwindling fan base, but with Disney now at the helm, will they ease back or move forward. This article hints that they may look into the mobile, social market and potentially away from console games, but is this realistically the case? Regardless, there does seem to be a window of possibility here, and I'd be surprised if Disney didn't capitalize on all phases of this monopoly. So the question is, what would you want from another Star Wars video game? Would Disney be able to deliver? Or would they let LucasFilms handle it like they always have?


  1. I don't remember many Star Wars games I enjoyed. All I wanted out of a Star Wars game was to play as a Jedi in a sandbox format with a lightsaber, all of the cool light saber moves, and unlimited force powers. I haven't found a Star Wars game like that and I think that would be fun to rise as a Padawan to Jedi and defeat the emperor. The closest I found was Star Wars Obi-Wan for Xbox and that game SUCKED. It was the worst thing ever. They need to make something like that game but way better.

  2. This could be a good and bad thing. From a storytellers point of view Lucas wanted to hand the flame over to Disney so they could continue telling the story while he could "relax" in retirement. For avid fans this might be a good thing. The Star Wars saga continues in the books way beyond the six movies. Han and Leia have children, Luke opens up a new jedi temple...

    From an industrial point of view this is a gold mine to create new games, movies, and merchandise. That would be all okay, only if they can find a nice balance between that and the story. Recently Disney's live action stuff has been okay, but their 3D animated stuff like Tangled and Wreck it Ralph has been pretty good. Hopefully Disney can look beyond marketing with the newest CGI and tell a story through it instead.

  3. Post #17
    I'm really curious to see what Disney is going to do with the Star Wars franchise. I think there definitely is a lot of potential for growth. There can be a lot of money made through Star Wars, and I think it will be interesting to see what unique ideas Disney can come up with for the future of it. Hopefully they do something really innovative with the movies and games that we can all look forward to. I personally think the earlier movies were much better than the more recent ones, so hopefully Disney won't follow on the same path as the later movies.
